The Journey of Mulan
This will be a traditional dark ride themed to the film Mulan
Queue- A winding queue full of various Chinese things, like lanterns and paper dragons, it will share queue space with the Legend of the Red Dragon
Scene 1- Honor to Us All
The first scene depicts Mulan preparing for matchmaking. The words will not be sung, instead the scene will have the instrumental music, and Grandmother Fa will be shown giving Mulan "A cricket, just for luck"
Scene 2- Reflection
In the next scene Mulan will be kneeling by her ancestors (Correct Wording?) with half of her makeup off. You hear her sing the final "When will my reflection show, who I am inside" and using advanced projections, will wipe the other side as she sings the line
Scene 3- Mushu
Mushu's shadow would be projected onto the wall, he will say the same lines as in the movie, as your car moves to where you can see the animatronic next to the rock, where the Mulan AA will be standing.
Scene 4- I'll Make A Man Out of You
This scene will depict Mulan sitting atop the pole, with the arrow at Li Shang's feet. An instrumental of "I'll Make A Man Out of You" will play in the background
Scene 5- Burnt Down
This scene will show the burnt down army camp (?) that the come General Li was at. The doll Mulan finds will be on the floor, and there will be AA's of Mulan, Shang, Ling, Chien-Po, Yao, and Chi-Fu
Scene 6- Fireworks
The Emperor, Shang, and Mulan stand on the steps of the palace with fireworks in the background. Mushu stands at Mulan's feet, with Khan standing next to her.
The Far East
Mushu's Momentos
This gift shop will be near TheJourney of Mulan and will sell Chinese and Mulan themed merchandise, such as pins, mugs, and other collectables.

Legend of the Red Dragon
A ride similar to Universal's Revenge of the Mummy, that is a dark ride with some roller coaster aspects.
Ride Vehicle
The ride vehicle will be a red dragon
Scene 1- Enter the Temple
After loading outside of the temple, your dragon enters into a building. In the first room you see many ancient artifacts like dragon statues, medallions, and coins.
Scene 2- The Garden
Next, your dragon takes you outside, where you see various plants and flowers native to China. There is a water fall that splits to let you into the next scene.
Scene 3- A Disturbance
You enter a room with water flowing down the walls. A giant dragon statue is at the front of the room, that suddenly gets projected features. The dragon warns you that you have caused a disturbance in the temple, and the other dragons residing there might not be so nice. As your ride vehicle turns to leave, a door opens that sucks you in.
Scene 4- Dangers
In this scene your dragon is racing away to get out of the temple. As you pass you see many dragon AA's and water effects. At the end you burst through a paper window, and then gently go down to the ground outside the temple, where you unload