The Ancient Desert
The Nile Riverboats
Indiana Jones and the Cursed Tomb
Arabian Nights
Aladdin - A Musical Spectacular
Excavation Gifts
Courtyard of Ra
The Nile Riverboats
Queue -
The queue for the Nile Riverboats starts in the ruins of an Ancient Egyptian Village. The queue will snake around the village, and will soon enter a cave. This cave will be at the bottom of a pyramid. This cave will be air conditioned and will have various animatronic Egyptian animals in the cave to entertain guests. As the guests near the loading docks they go back outside to board an Egyptian Barge.
Ride Stats & Info –
Attraction Type: Boat Ride
Ride Vehicle: Egyptian Barge
Ticket: D-Ticket
Theme: Ancient Egypt’s Myths
Amount of Riders per Vehicle: 24
Rows: 6
Riders per Row: 4
Number of Vehicles: 50
Duration: 9 Minutes
Riders per Hour: 2,600
Fastpass+: Yes
Handicapped Accessible: Yes
Height Restriction: None
Ride Experience -
Scene 1
As guests board their Egyptian Barges they here the spiel coming from the old oracle encountered moments before. The barges soon depart and enter the treacherous and mysterious Nile River. The barges float along as they pass by fauna and flora commonly seen in Ancient Egypt. Guests will also be able to see signs of civilization such as patches of domesticated rye and wheat. The barge gracefully turns on a bend as they finally see a small Egyptian Village with people harvesting papyrus and pounding it down to write on, while another group of people cultivate the fields, and lastly guests see some children playing with the livestock. As the barges near the end of the village they encounter a proud and regal hawk watching the guests as they enter a foreboding cave.
Scene 2
As the barge floats into the cave the guests will encounter the Goddess of Magic, Isis. She greets guests in her cave and tells them that she will be sending back in time to stop her chaotic brother Set from ever regaining his power. As Isis begins to enact a spell the boats begin to go backwards into a smaller cave with no light, and what feels like mist. However all is changed as the walls light up with white optics like the night sky, and the guests see the spectacular sight along with the thin layer of mist covering the water. As Isis stops enacting she tells the guests to go, and just like that the boats go backwards down a 20 foot drop without getting wet.
Scene 3
Guests will soon hear a deep booming voice calling their attention. Red smoke fills the room as fire is felt the boats start to turn around to face the one who has spoken. Guests come face to face with Shezmu the God of execution, slaughter, blood, oil, wine and perfume. Barrels of what is hoped to be red wine lay around the room with some floating in the water. The barges move towards him creaking. He begins to speak of how Isis won’t get away with what she has planned, and that he will stop you dead in your tracks. He laughs when he says dead, and proceeds to say that he has some games planned for his guests. As the barges turn they reveal the barges course through a hallway filled with things of death. Barges past shooters that shoot out air that symbolize poison darts, they pass by a family of hungry crocodiles, and finally barely escape a swinging log. All the while Shezmu will be comedically complaining. As the barges escape we once again see Isis yelling enough as she uses her magic to open a door for the barges to go through.
Scene 4
As the barges escape Shezmu’s torture chamber they enter the brilliant night sky. Looking around guests will see they are surrounded by sand, and the temperature is quite cool. A gust of wind soon breezes past guests as a raspy voice speaks. Shu the God of Wind introduces himself, and says he has been sent by Isis to aid them on reaching Horus faster. Strong wind is now heard throughout the room as the wind is felt ‘pushing’ the barges faster. The barges soon enter the next room.
Scene 5
Here guests will see Horus along with other various Egyptian Gods including Isis and Shu. He will greet them, and inform the guests that they are headed to battle Set. To avenge Osiris’s Death, and become the rightful pharaoh of Egypt! At this all the gods cheer while Isis looks uncertain. Horus continues to tell guests that he too will assist in battling Set, and together they shall win. Now sail forwards certain victory!
Scene 6
The barges enter a dark room here the barge swill be locked into position in front of a screen embedded with 3D technology (think 3DS except viewable from all angles). The barges will become simulators temporarily. On the screen only Horus is seen. Horus calls out to Set, challenging him. A deep voice laughs, and accepts. With a snap of Set’s fingers a large fireball erupts heating up the entire room and the room lights up which now shows a large red body sitting upon a throne. Set jumps from his throne landing directly in front of the guests. He picks up the barge, and shakes it later throwing it into the water stating that the duel shall be only with himself, and his nephew. The duel soon starts as the two fight the chamber begins to crumble in. As parts of the tomb fall in the water waves roll, and the boats simulate that movement. A large wave comes causing the boats to be let go and move into the next room.
Scenes 7 & 8
As the boats move towards the next room they maneuver through the rumble of the tomb. They soon see that Horus has defeated Set, and now is the rightful pharaoh of Egypt. He thanks for their bravery and courage. The barges then float into one last room similar to the first. Isis will thank them, and uses their magic to send them all back to the current time. With that the barges finally unload. The guests will have to board an escalator similar to the one at Pirates to get the ground floor. The barges will go up an unseen lift.
Excavation Gifts
This will the only store located in the Expansive Desert. Here guests will be able to shop in an Excavation camp set up to look for the treasures of Ancient Egypt.
Apparel –
Pharaoh Headpiece, Pharaoh Beard, Indiana Jones Fedora, Aladdin's Fez, Jasmine's Headress , Whole New World T-Shirt, Set v. Horus Shirt, Indiana Jones and the Cursed Tomb T-Shirt, Egyptian Day Mickey Ears, Egyptian Night Mickey Ears, Indiana Jones Mickey Ears, Magic Lamp Mickey Ears, Standard Mickey Ears, Standard Minnie Ears, Cleopatra Styled Minnie Ears, Jasmine Styled Minnie Ears
Misc. –
Your Name in Hieroglyphics Mug, Your Name in Hieroglyphics Key Chain, Disney’s Inventus Park Mug, Genie Lamp Mug, Aladdin Action Figure, Jasmine Action Figure, Indiana Jones Action Figure, Horus Action Figure, Set Action Figure, Isis Action Figure, Shu Action Figure, Shezmu Action Figure, Apep Action Figure, Ra Action Figure, Bast Action Figure, Egyptian Mythology Book 1, Egyptian Mythology Book 2, Kane Chronicles : The Red Pyramid, Kane Chronicles : Throne of Fire, Kane Chronicles : Serpent’s Shadow, Indiana Jones Pin, Aladdin Pin, Jamsine Pin, Abu Pin, Rajah Pin, Genie Pin, Geni's Lamp Pin, Jafar Pin, Iago Pin, Pharaoh Mickey Pin, Pharaoh Minnie Pin, Isis Pin, Horus Pin, Set Pin, Ra Pin, Bast Pin, Apep Pin, Disney’s Mythia Park Pin
Queue -
As guests enter the queue they go through a wall of foliage. In the distance they see a series of caves, and a temple believed to have been used to worship Ra. Eventually the guests find an explorers camp. Standby will enter the camp, but Fastpass will continue on the main path. The first section of the explorer’s camp will Sorting Washed Vegetables as the go down water troughs. The next section will have a column from the ruins tied around said column are various ropes that are tied to various things in the area, and on these ropes are lanterns to light up the night, and occasionally drying laundry. Next is an area filled with musical instruments from North African and Arabian Countries that guests can make music with. Finally guests enter a covered area and enter the sleeping area. Here guests will find various maps and papers around. Guests will find out that this whole expedition the Expansive Desert was payed by the organization SEA, and that SEA appointed Dr. Indiana Jones to lead the expedition.
Standby guests will now enter Egyptian Ruins. The ruins will start outside, but will slowly enter inside. Comedic hieroglyphics will line the walls to entertain guests. Eventually the ruins will meet up with the Fastpass+ line. Once this happens the guests will be escorted into their Exploration Jeep.
Ride Stats & Info -
Attraction Type: Dark Thrill Ride
Ride Vehicle: Explorer’s Jeep (EMV)
Ticket: E-Ticket
Theme: Ancient Egypt’s Myths / Indiana Jones
Amount of Riders per Vehicle: 12
Rows: 3
Riders per Row: 4
Number of Vehicles: 17
Duration: 5 Minutes
Riders per Hour: 2,448
Riders per Day: 22,032 - 34,272
Fastpass+: Yes
Height Restriction: 46 inches
Ride Experience -
As the Jeeps ride off they head towards a wall with a mural of Ra and Bast battling Abeb. As the jeeps go towards the mural it seems as if it is alive. A rumbling will start to be heard as some walls cave in, and the jeeps act accordingly. The jeeps will make a sharp turn as they see Abeb’s eyes in the mural glow red. The jeeps soon enter a tunnel recently made. Overhead the jeeps see Indiana Jones swinging across a gap made by the rumble. Indy will tell them to stay on their path. The jeeps will continue as they hear snakes slithering behind them. Suddenly a giant snake similar to the on seen on the mural appears causing the jeeps to react and to enter into an uncharted cave.
The jeeps into the uncharted cave and see that they have entered the Cursed Tomb. The vehicle go upwards in a tunnel with Cats lining the walls and the head of Ra on the wall. As the vehicles approach his eyes light up with a bright flash of light he warns them that the path they have entered contains many perils, and treasures. The guests turn a corner as they see various plants dangling from the ceiling, and a sarcophagus slowly opening on its own. The jeeps speed up turning a corner they quickly zip past hieroglyphics depicting the fight of Bast and Apep. The jeeps soon enter a treasury. Piles of gold, weapons, chariots, and vases containing mummified pets are located in here. Several gold coins moving on their own is heard. Soon the piles of gold begin to shift causing the jeeps to react spinning around the room zipping from side to side attempting to break out suddenly Bast appears from a hill of treasure warns the guests to escape the room as they have been awaken and Apep seeks revenge on everyone including the guests. A door reveals itself, and the jeeps speed out of the room.
The jeeps enter a series of tunnels with large threatening spiders spitting out venom towards the guests. Sharp stalactites and stalagmites that seem as if they could kill someone protrude throughout this tunnel. A raspy menacing voice warns guests that they are not welcome here. Suddenly large amounts of sound similar to that of billions of scarabs flying in the air take over the room. Scarabs taking over the room are projected throughout the room.
The jeep’s engine begins to experience problems as it escapes the Scarab Tunnel, and enters another section of the Cursed Tomb with a large cavern splitting up the room, and one old bridge for the jeeps to use the cross. Below the bridge lies a river of magma, and on the walls lies a carved head of Apep. The jeeps begin to slowly cross the bridge as the bridge starts to creak and sway the jeeps break down in the middle of the bridge. The carved head of Apep suddenly comes to life as it hisses at us. He soon screams out that he hopes that the guests can swim in magma. Guests soon hear the ropes of the bridge snapping as the jeep shakes due to the bridge breaking. Ra, and Bast soon come to the rescue as Ra uses his magic to repair the bridge, and the jeep. Meanwhile Bast warns Apep that soon he will be vanquished. Apep laughs at the idea and tells both of them that no one is protecting the other mortal, Indiana Jones. Bast urges the guests to leave here, and save their friend immediately.
The jeeps zoom out of the room back to where they have entered as they go down a hill and see Indiana Jones swinging across the room narrowly avoiding a rolling boulder. The whole room shakes once more as the Cursed Tomb is sealed, and soon after the jeeps reach the exit of the ride.

and the Cursed Tomb

Arabian Nights
Queue -
The queue starts off in the Agrabah Village. The queue will enter a building that will transport guests into the Cave of Wonders. The guests will be able to see all the treasures from the film that Aladdin got to see. Eventually the guests will reach an area to pick up their 3D Glasses, and board their ride vehicles.
Ride Stats & Info -
Attraction Type: Motion Based 3D Dark Ride
Ride Vehicle: Magic Lamp Mover
Ticket: C-Ticket
Theme: Aladdin
Amount of Riders per Vehicle: 12
Rows: 3
Riders per Row: 4
Number of Vehicles: 20
Duration: 4 Minutes
Riders per Hour: 3,600
Riders per Day: 32,400 - 50,400
Fastpass+: Yes
Height Restriction: 36 inches
Ride Experience -
As the vehicles exit out they enter an empty room with Jafar’s lamp on a pedestal. The lamp starts to shake as Iago pops out from the lamp shooting towards the guests. He coughs and complains that it’s pretty cramped in there. We hear Jafar shouting at Iago from the lamp to release him. Iago hesitant rubs the lamp, and as he does smoke clouds the room. Iago begins to cough, and Jafar cackles appearing before the guests in his Genie form. Jafar notices them and tells Iago to wish for three things. Make the guests forget what they saw, teleport the guests to Agrabah, and set him free of course Iago agrees. The vehicles move into the next room.
The vehicles are now in Agrabah at dusk in the background an instrumental piece of Arabian Nights play. The move around a physical set of Agrabah. They pass by a belly dancer performing a sizable crowd, then a snake charmer charming a King Cobra, and finally the stalls of various merchants each selling something different. The vehicles will reach a gate that busts open and the doors fly toward the guests as Jafar and Iago reenter Agrabah cackling. He uses his staff to throw aside the guests as the evil duo make their way towards the Sultan’s Palace. The vehicles follow to the Sultan’s Palace.
The vehicles come to the palace gates to see that Jafar has been through here evident by the melted gold. As the vehicles continue they come face to face with Genie and Jafar both in duel. Jafar notices the guests once more, and smirks as he knows that Genie wouldn’t allow the innocent to get hurt. Jafar uses his magic to levitate the guests to the top of the palace. One they are there they see the sunset over the village as the vehicle teeters forward and backwards. The vehicles goes quickly down as they land down on Jasmine’s balcony entering another room.
The guests will see that Jasmine and Aladdin were about to depart on a Magic Carpet ride. Genie suddenly poofs in freaking out and hyperventilating. He tells Aladdin and Jasmine that Jafar is back, and a look of shock cross Aladdin and Jasmine’s face. Genie tells them that Jafar is on his way. Jafar is seen in his snake form slithering up. Genie yells ‘Snakes, Why did it have to be snakes!” Aladdin tells Genie to get the Magic Carpet to take Jasmine to safety, and that he’ll handle it. Without hesitation Genie jumps onto the magic carpet, and fly off with Jasmine wishing Al good luck.
Aladdin goes into Jasmine’s room while Jafar gets onto the balcony. He looks at the guests as he begins to slither towards them flicking his tongue at them. As he opens his mouth about to swallow the guests whole he recoils back to see that Aladdin has returned with a cutlass now implanted into Jafar’s side. Aladdin pulls out his sword, and runs bout the balcony. Jafar goes back, jumps, and strikes at Aladdin, but unfortunately misses and jumps to far causing him to fall along with the guests. The Genie who disobeyed Aladdin’s order saves the guests with an extended hand and lay them onto the ground. While Jafar lands on the ground presumed dead from his fall.
The vehicles transverse to another room. To see Aladdin and Jasmine riding off into an Arabian Night while the song is sung. As the rides comes near an end the guests see Aladdin and Jasmine kiss with fireworks going off in the background.
Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular
Housed in the Sultan’s Theater, guests get to attend the telling of the beloved story of Disney’s Aladdin. So join if you dare on A Whole New World of Musical Proportions!
Attraction Type: Broadway Style Musical Show
Ticket: D-Ticket
Theme: Aladdin
Amount of Viewers per Showing: 2,000
Duration: 45 Minutes
Viewers per Day: 8,000 - 12,000
Fastpass+: Yes
The Courtyard of Ra
Come and bask in this discovered courtyard made to worship Ra, the Sun God. At the center of this counter service lies a magnificent fountain. Surrounding the fountain are tables set up by the locals, and above the tables lie coverings. Throughout the courtyard merchants sell various foods. This look of the courtyard forms what appears to be an Egyptian Market. This Restaurant will cost one Quick Service Credit on the Disney Dining Plans.
Menu -
Entrees –
Mashi - Stuffed green peppers, aubergines, and courgettes with rice seasoned with herbs and spices and topped with tomato sauce and lemon.
Koshary - This vegetarian meal contains rice, spaghetti, macaroni, black lentils, chick peas, garlic, and is topped with a spicy tomato sauce and fried onions.
Chicken Shawarma – Chicken rolled in pita bread and tahini sauce.
Turkey Shawarma – Turkey rolled in pita bread and tahini sauce.
Lamb Shawarma – Lamb rolled in pita bread and tahini sauce.
Beef Shawarma – Beef rolled in pita bread and tahini sauce.
Drinks –
Ahwa – A tart coffee made from powdered beans
Shay Bil Na’na – A refreshing tea made of mint
Fayrouz – A natural drink in a selection of flavors (Peach, Pear, Apple, or Pineapple)
Qasab – Sugarcane Juice
Standard Array of Coke Products
Desserts –
Baklava - Layers of flaky pastry filled with chopped nuts and honey syrup
Raz Be Laban – Rice pudding with a hint of vanilla
Bouzaat Haleeb – Egyptian Ice Cream, Vanilla or Chocolate