The Celtic Forest
Queue -
The queue starts off in the Woods of Dun Broch, and far in the distance can be seen the Castle of Dun Broch atop the mountains which have a waterfall roaring in the distance. The queue continues over a bridge passing a river. The queue continues at the guests pass by a crow, and near a cottage built into the side of the mountain with the door ajar. Guests will enter the cottage and be met by a cheery witch who lives here. Hundreds of wooden figurines decorate the cottage. The Witch will welcome guests, and says she has been expecting them. She will tell them that they are all here to experience the story of Merida, and her mother. She tells them she’ll teleport them right into the action if they just enter her closest. So of course the guests make their way around the workshop, and enter the closes where they see their ride vehicle made of wood awaits.
Ride Stats & Info -
Attraction Type: Traditional Dark Ride
Ride Vehicle: Enchanted Wooden Vehicle
Ticket: C-Ticket
Theme: Brave
Amount of Riders per Vehicle: 3
Rows: 2
Riders per Row: 3
Duration: 2 Minutes, and 30 Seconds
Riders per Hour: 600
Riders per Day: 6,000 - 8,400
Fastpass+: Yes
Height Restriction: None
The wooden vehicle moves off into the forest as it passes by Merida and her mom as Merida tries to console her as she has now turned into a bear all the while Merida’s mom tries to act proper. Merida tells her that all they need to do is “Mend the bond torn by pride”. The vehicles slowly shift into the next scene as Merida and her mom follow the Wisps towards the ruins of an abandoned kingdom. Mor’Du appears before the guests roaring and swiping his paw in the wind. Merida is seen stricken with fear while her bear mom tries to get Merida out of there.
The wisps once again return leading Merida and her mom into the Castle of Dun Brochonce the vehicles enter the guests will hear King Fergus singing the Song of Mor’du to his company. While a flashback of Merida destroying her mother’s tapestry showing her whole family. Merida is seen sowing the tapestry, but is interrupted as King Fergus barges in seeing his wife now a bear. Thinking it is Mor’Du he begins to attack.
The vehicles soon come to a scene in the woods that the guests can hear Fergus and his hunting team out looking for “Mor’Du”. All the while we see Merida calling out to her mom looking for her, and Elinor is running towards the Ring of Stones. The next scene we see that Mor’Du dies by a falling menhir. While Merida, Elinor, and Fergus are all are united in a hug with Elinor being human, and covered with the family tapestry. With that the wooden vehicles are unloaded, and the guests make their way back into Inventus.

The Legend of Prydain

The queue starts in the woods of Prydain. An eerie tone fills the area. As the queue continues it enters an area with dead trees, and a much more ominous appearance. Human skeletons dressed in armor are thrown through the queue. Eventually the queue enters a cave where the ride vehicles await.
As the vehicles leave the loading area they enter the Horned King’s Throne Room. The guests will see the Horned King socializing with his minion Creeper on how to stop the decay of his domain from the curse of Witches of Morva. Creeper suggests to use the mythical Black Cauldron to stop the witches. The Horned King thinks about the idea, and points towards the guests telling them to fetch Hen Wen who is travelling with Taran’s Party. The vehicles move into the next scene showing Taran’s party falling into the Pixie Hole. The vehicles get sucked into the vortex, and fall in. Here they encounter hundreds of working pixies. Gurgi is seen chasing Hen Wen, Elionwy and Taran are aguing on how to leave, and Flweddur Fflam is playing his harp to gawking pixies. Suddenly a pair Gwythains burst into shrieking scaring the guests. The pixies tell the guests to evacuate. The vehicles rush out jumping up and down as Taran’s Party leaves and heads to the swamps of Morva. The vehicles soon follow their lead. The guests hear Hen Wen squealing as it’s captured by the Gwythains.
The next scene shows the Witches of Morva playing Flweddur Fflam, and Taran’s group all turned into frogs quite hilariously. With one of the Witch’s trying to collect them all to eat, and another wanting to make a belt from their skins. The vehicles turn a corner revealing the Horned King has found the Black Cauldron, and telling the guests that they have failed him and for that they must pay. The room flashes a brilliant white as the Witches shriek in horror telling Taran’s party that if they save the Cauldron that they’ll be rewarded. The vehicles transition into the next room where above the guests see the Horned King, and Taran dueling. While where the guests are the Black Cauldron has been activated and the vehicles begin to spin around the Cauldron slowly being sucked in. However this all ends where through Pepper’s Ghost effect The Horned King falls to his doom into the Cauldron ending its madness. The vehicles transition into the final scene where Taran’s party is all celebrating the end of the Horned King. With that the ride ends.
The Round Table
A quick service themed to the tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table as well as the Sword in the Stone. However against its name this restaurant will not be serving English food instead it will have a menu similar to that of an American Restaurant.
Entrees –
1/2 Rotisserie Chicken - with Mashed Potatoes and a Seasonal Vegetable
1/3 lb Angus Bacon Cheeseburger - with choice of Apple Slices, Green Beans, or French Fries
Barbecued Pork Sandwich - with choice of Apple Slices, Green Beans, or French Fries
Chicken Breast Nuggets (8 pieces) - 8 pieces with choice of Apple Slices, Green Beans, or French Fries
Grilled Chicken Sandwich - Herb-marinated Chicken, American Cheese, and Bacon with choice of Apple Slices, Green Beans, or French Fries
Hot Dog - with choice of Apple Slices, Green Beans, or French Fries
Vegetable Burger - with choice of Apple Slices, Green Beans, or French Fries
Drinks –
Standard Coke Array
Desserts –
Carrot Cake
New York Style Cheesecake
Triple-Chocolate Cake